The World Without Taste!

My favorite sense is taste because without it we wouldn’t be able to taste our most favorite foods in the world! To think living without tasting that creamy and soft yummy ice cream or breakfast in the mornings is unbearable. Taste is very important to some people they need to be able to taste for their jobs to be able to support their family.

Taste is needed for these examples for jobs or actions taste testers, eating, or even enjoying your favorite foods. I need it to enjoy my lunch, science projects that involve tasting, and to check my own cooking for more ingredients to add.

My grandfather can’t even live without tasting that yummy and kruncy bacon in the mornings. Taste is the most important sense along with the other five. Ask yourself would you be able to surive without tasting your favorite ice cream flavor, your favorite fast food restraint, or even a juicy piece of fruit. Taste is everywhere you go.

life and death

I’m and animal lover and the thought about all the animals out there getting abused and often killed just hurts and is hard to sleep just sitting there in the bed doing nothing is so hard to get over.

So I want to do something about it this is how you can help join your local Humane Society and fight for hope and life for those animals. So when you see a animal right there in front of you suffering are you just going to sit there and watch or do something for those sweet and harmless animals they can’t fight for their lifes their not human help them right there right now they can’t wait on you they need help. Do something look deep in their eye’s theirs fear and hope they won’t make it alone they need your help. Please help is what they are saying. If you feel like they need help too you have a good heart and a soft spot when it comes to life and death for these animals. It’s never to much to help a life of an animal. They don’t deserve it. I can make a diffrence.

The Christmas Suprise

I just got out of school exhausted  after a day full of restless testing. I was  looking froward to going home and taking along nap for the rest of the day. But when I got  home and was ready to get into bed. My mom walked in and said time to get packed for the big trip tomorrow. I looked at her shocked and embarrassed. I asked her what trip the trip to your grandparents she answered. I looked at her with the same reaction. Can I pack later? I asked.  No we will be leaving first thing tomorrow morning. I sighed and started to pack as she left the room.  Why couldn’t she told me before I left for school we were going to my grandparents. I would have already been packed ,I thought. But no she waited till the last minute.

The next morning I was packed and ready to go. I was up bright and early before everyone else except my dad of course he had to wake up and go straight to work which was no surprise he always has to do the same thing. Everybody else got up an hour late as always. As soon as we were all packed and ready to go. My aunt called and said she needed a ride to the same place we were headed. Which would make another hour. When we finally picked up my aunt. We had to make a 30 min. trip to Walmart for a gift for my grandparents. Which would make us 2 hours and  30 min. late. We finally arrived at my grandparents a few hours late.

We all said our hello’s to each other and it was lunch time. We thanked god for all the food and dug in. I was the first person done with my plate when everyone else finally  finished it was 30 min. till gift time. For the 30 min. I played with Baby Travis my baby cousin. When it was present time Aunt Shawn gave me a quest which was to gather everyone and pass out gifts. Everyone ripped open their gifts one at a time the room was full of Christmas joy. I got two books and a bottle cap neckalace  and the whole Harry Poter sires in one book and The Gunisses World Record Book 2011. I found the true meaning of Christmas that was The Christmas Surprise.


      One night I was climbing into bed and as soon as  I  fell a sleep! I started to have this vivid dream of some sort.

In my dream Mr. Hinkle was my dad and Brittany Marks was my step sister and my Grandma was her mom. And we lived in my Grandma’s house with a black guy named Jeff!

He had a coin collection. We were all getting ready for bed  and as soon  as we did  we heard a thud . On Sunday morn ing.  My step mom or grandma fixed everyone a cup of tea.

And Jeff came into  the living room in tears his coins were gone. We heard a scream and a thud !  I went outside to check it out.  It  was a man carrying his head  in one hand and a chain saw in the other. He shook the locked door screaming, “You are a duff.”



My most memorable summer was when the animal control officer came over to ask is this your dead dog in the back. When we thought Sinister was in the house. He asked my Mom if she wanted to come check and see if it was sinister. She nodded her head yes and as soon  as she got there. She saw right then it was him she started crying. And I was standing at the window sill watching. And knew something was wrong and knew it was him. I

started  to  tear up when all of a sudden. My little sister Emily walked in from the back yard and she asked me what was wrong and I told her what happened. And as soon as I got done telling her the story she ran back outside bawling. After she left I thought to my self how could this happen two days before my birthday!