Daily Archives: March 3, 2011

The World Without Taste!

My favorite sense is taste because without it we wouldn’t be able to taste our most favorite foods in the world! To think living without tasting that creamy and soft yummy ice cream or breakfast in the mornings is unbearable. Taste is very important to some people they need to be able to taste for their jobs to be able to support their family.

Taste is needed for these examples for jobs or actions taste testers, eating, or even enjoying your favorite foods. I need it to enjoy my lunch, science projects that involve tasting, and to check my own cooking for more ingredients to add.

My grandfather can’t even live without tasting that yummy and kruncy bacon in the mornings. Taste is the most important sense along with the other five. Ask yourself would you be able to surive without tasting your favorite ice cream flavor, your favorite fast food restraint, or even a juicy piece of fruit. Taste is everywhere you go.